Launch to Thrive

providing solutions that help You go from launch to thriving!


About L. T. T.

helping you succeed so that you can THRIVE!

Welcome to Launch to Thrive (formerly Rose Media Solutions/Blossom Business)! Our goal is to help you succeed, accomplish your goals and flourish in business. We provide services (coaching, consulting and virtual business/ministry assistance) that help guide individuals, ministries and businesses so that they can grow and thrive. Do you have a gift/talent that you want to show to the world but, don’t know how to get yourself out there, online? Do you have an idea that you want to implement, but you need a trusted professional to talk to? Do you need a virtual assistant to help you take Do you want to create a brand that stands out? Do you need help writing your e-book? Do you feel like your current website or graphics look outdated? Do you need a website or online store? Do you need help with social media? Well, that’s why we exist!  We have several years of experience in coaching, consulting, virtual assistance, writing, e-commerce design & website management, graphic design & social media marketingWe want to use our skills to help you thrive in your business, non-profit and/or ministry!

the Services

How We Can Help You?


We will use our expertise to help you start your online business, create your brand, develop a business strategy so that you can succeed in your business.

virtual assistance

Need help managing your social media channels? Need help doing administrative tasks that you have no time for or planning an event? Need a content writer? We can help you do that.


We can build a professional, beautiful website for your brand, business, nonprofit and/or ministry that set you apart and helps you attract your potential clients & customers.


Let us help you write your E-Book, Blog or Article! We are professional writers who can help you write on different topics, from health and finances to faith-based topics.

graphic design

Need help designing graphics for your social media posts, graphics for your website, newsletters or flyers for your business? We can help you design it.

social media

Do you want to be consistent with social media, but don’t have the time or know where to start? We can help you manage your social media platforms and build your brand.

Meet Grace

the visionary behind L.T.T.

Grace is an online business expert, consultant, writer, virtual assistant, website designer, graphic designer and author. Grace has over 10 years of virtual assistance, social media, graphic and website design experience combined. She has worked with various clients from different sectors and enjoys helping her clients succeed. 

In her free time, Grace enjoys traveling, relaxing on the beach, writing, watching movies, bowling, and spending time with loved ones.


Take a look around at what we’ve been up to!

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